姜朋, 张旭, 吴磊, 何漪, 张平平, 马鸿翔, 孔令让

Genetic analysis for yield related traits of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) based on a recombinant inbred line population from Ningmai 9 and Yangmai 158
JIANG Peng, ZHANG Xu, WU Lei, HE Yi, ZHANG Ping-Ping, MA Hong-Xiang, KONG Ling-Rang
表5 千粒重QTL不同等位变异的t检测
Table 5 t-test of different alleles of the QTL for 1000-kernel weight
QTL 环境
Favorable alleles (g)
Unfavorable alleles (g)
Difference (g)
Qtkw-1B 2016 35.21 (121) 34.56 (133) 0.65 1.36 0.18
2017 36.47 (121) 34.62 (133) 1.85 3.31 <0.01
2018 42.37 (121) 40.95 (133) 1.42 3.56 <0.01
Qtkw-4A 2016 35.68 (110) 33.71 (98) 1.97 3.86 <0.01
2017 36.48 (110) 34.41 (98) 2.07 3.41 <0.01
2018 42.38 (110) 40.68 (98) 1.7 3.94 <0.01
Qtkw-7A 2016 34.78 (168) 35.03 (78) -0.25 -0.47 0.64
2017 36.31 (168) 34.46 (78) 1.85 2.97 <0.01
2018 42.02 (168) 41.30 (78) 0.72 1.38 0.17
Qtkw-1B+Qtkw-4A 2016 36.62 (46) 33.48 (51) 3.14 4.22 <0.01
2017 37.03 (46) 33.59 (51) 3.44 4.11 <0.01
2018 43.32 (46) 40.56 (51) 2.76 4.24 <0.01
Qtkw-1B+Qtkw-7A 2016 35.42 (74) 35.48 (34) -0.06 -0.09 0.93
2017 37.51 (74) 33.58 (34) 3.93 4.26 <0.01
2018 42.82 (74) 40.79 (34) 2.03 2.98 <0.01
Qtkw-4A+Qtkw-7A 2016 35.46 (68) 33.73 (34) 1.73 2.11 0.04*
2017 37.42 (68) 34.56 (34) 2.86 3.04 <0.01
2018 42.27 (68) 40.51 (34) 1.76 2.85 <0.01
Qtkw-1B+Qtkw-4A+Qtkw-7A 2016 36.55 (26) 33.73 (12) 2.82 2.14 0.04*
2017 38.42 (26) 33.08 (12) 5.34 5.22 <0.01
2018 43.10 (26) 41.16 (12) 1.94 1.55 0.14