黄宁, 惠乾龙, 方振名, 李姗姗, 凌辉, 阙友雄, 袁照年

Identification, localization and expression analysis of beta-carotene isomerase gene family in sugarcane
HUANG Ning, HUI Qian-Long, FANG Zhen-Ming, LI Shan-Shan, LING Hui, QUE You-Xiong, YUAN Zhao-Nian
图1 甘蔗割手密种D27基因家族鉴定
A: 甘蔗割手密种D27s染色体分布; B: 甘蔗割手密种D27s氨基酸序列间相似性。
Fig. 1 Genome wide identification of D27 gene family in Saccharum spontaneum
A: chromosomal location of D27s in Saccharum spontaneum; B: amino acid sequence similarity of D27s in Saccharum spontaneum.