黄宁, 惠乾龙, 方振名, 李姗姗, 凌辉, 阙友雄, 袁照年

Identification, localization and expression analysis of beta-carotene isomerase gene family in sugarcane
HUANG Ning, HUI Qian-Long, FANG Zhen-Ming, LI Shan-Shan, LING Hui, QUE You-Xiong, YUAN Zhao-Nian
图6 ScD27.1基因在不同胁迫下的表达
A: ScD27.1基因定量引物扩增效率曲线; B: ScD27.1基因在ABA、MeJA、SA及H2O2胁迫下的表达。*表示在0.05水平差异显著; 误差线代表各组的标准误差(n = 3)。
Fig. 6 Expression of ScD27.1 gene under different stresses
A: the amplification efficiency curve of the primer pairs of ScD27.1; B: expression of ScD27.1 gene under different stress of ABA, MeJA, SA, and H2O2. *: significant difference at the 0.05 probability level; the error bars represent the standard error of the group (n = 3).