吴雅薇, 蒲玮, 赵波, 魏桂, 孔凡磊, 袁继超
Characteristics of post-anthesis carbon and nitrogen accumulation and translocation in maize cultivars with different low nitrogen tolerance
WU Ya-Wei, PU Wei, ZHAO Bo, WEI Gui, KONG Fan-Lei, YUAN Ji-Chao
表2 年份、品种与氮肥水平对玉米产量和碳氮物质转运、积累量影响的方差分析
Table 2 Variance analysis of year, cultivar, and nitrogen application on grain yield, nitrogen and carbon translocation, and accumulation amount in maize
变异来源 Source of variation | 籽粒产量 Yield | 花前干物质 转运量 DRA | 花后干物质 积累量 DAA | 花前氮素 转运量 NRA | 花后氮素 积累量 NAA | 花前NSC 转运量 NSCRA | 花后NSC 积累量 NSCAA | 年份 Year (Y) | 630.15** | 9.61** | 14.86** | 1913.22** | 46.96** | 18.99** | 40.73** | 品种 Cultivar (C) | 111.32** | 0.37 | 124.41** | 502.68** | 18.95** | 127.54** | 89.09** | 氮肥 Nitrogen (N) | 165.15** | 107.02** | 180.00** | 27.18** | 152.56** | 174.83** | 154.60** | Y×C | 14.72** | 57.38** | 5.01* | 908.82** | 75.69** | 0.44 | 25.00** | Y×N | 17.30** | 8.16** | 13.82** | 86.57** | 46.11** | 2.97* | 11.42** | C×N | 13.23** | 10.82** | 2.41* | 5.97** | 4.18* | 20.81** | 3.28* | Y×C×N | 1.05 | 12.17** | 4.14** | 12.90** | 19.08** | 8.21** | 2.14 |