吴雅薇, 蒲玮, 赵波, 魏桂, 孔凡磊, 袁继超

Characteristics of post-anthesis carbon and nitrogen accumulation and translocation in maize cultivars with different low nitrogen tolerance
WU Ya-Wei, PU Wei, ZHAO Bo, WEI Gui, KONG Fan-Lei, YUAN Ji-Chao
图2 氮肥水平对耐低氮性玉米品种籽粒产量及其构成因素的影响
(A): 穗粒数; (B): 有效穗数; (C): 穗粒数; (D): 籽粒产量。多重比较仅在同一年份的2个品种间进行, 不同字母代表在 P < 0.05 水平上差异显著。
Fig. 2 Effects of N level on grain yield and its components of maize with different low N tolerance
ZH311: Zhenghong 311; XY508: Xianyu 508. (A): kernel per ear; (B): efficient ear numbers; (C): 100-kernel weight; (D): grain yield. Values followed by different lowercase letters in the same year and two cultivars indicate significant differences at P < 0.05 by LSD test.