水稻机械精量有序抛秧栽培的产量形成和生长发育特征研究 |
王慰亲, 唐启源, 陈元伟, 贾巍, 罗友谊, 王小卉, 郑华斌, 熊娇军 |
Evaluation of orderly mechanical seedling-broadcasting on yield formation and growth characteristics of rice |
WANG Wei-Qin, TANG Qi-Yuan, CHEN Yuan-Wei, JIA Wei, LUO You-Yi, WANG Xiao-Hui, ZHENG Hua-Bin, XIONG Jiao-Jun |
图3 黄华占和甬优1538在不同种植方式下的地上部生物量 MT: 分蘖中期; PI: 幼穗分化始期; HD: 抽穗期; PM: 成熟期。每张副图中, 不同小写字母代表不同种植方式在同一生育时期的多重比较(LSD测验5%水平)。 |
Fig. 3 Above-ground biomass of Huanghuazhan and Yongyou 1538 under different rice establishment methods MT: middle tillering; PI: Panicle initation; HD: heading; PM: physiological maturity. In each sub-figure, different lowercase letters denote the variances between different establishment methods at the same growth period (5% level according to LSD test). |