王慰亲, 唐启源, 陈元伟, 贾巍, 罗友谊, 王小卉, 郑华斌, 熊娇军

Evaluation of orderly mechanical seedling-broadcasting on yield formation and growth characteristics of rice
WANG Wei-Qin, TANG Qi-Yuan, CHEN Yuan-Wei, JIA Wei, LUO You-Yi, WANG Xiao-Hui, ZHENG Hua-Bin, XIONG Jiao-Jun
图4 黄华占和甬优1538在不同种植方式下的花后干物质积累量
Fig. 4 Dry matter accumulation of Huanghuazhan and Yongyou 1538 at post-flowering stage under different rice establishment methods
Different lowercase letters denote the variances between different establishment methods at the 5% probability level according to LSD test.