江苏太湖地区不同生育类型粳稻品种产量对不同播期气候因子的响应 |
董明辉, 陈培峰, 江贻, 曹鹏辉, 宋云生, 顾俊荣, 谢裕林, 乔中英, 张文地, 黄丽芬 |
Response of yield of different growth types of japonica rice varieties to climatic factors at different sowing dates in Taihu region of Jiangsu province |
DONG Ming-Hui, CHEN Pei-Feng, JIANG Yi, CAO Peng-Hui, SONG Yun-Sheng, GU Jun-Rong, XIE Yu-Lin, QIAO Zhong-Ying, ZHANG Wen-Di, HUANG Li-Fen |
图2 不同播期处理下各品种类型水稻生育进程 V1: 苏1785; V2: 苏香粳100; B1 (5/11)、B2 (5/21)、B3 (5/31)、B4 (6/10)分别表示第1至第4播期。S-J: 播种至拔节期; J-H: 拔节至抽穗期; H-M: 抽穗至成熟期。 |
Fig. 2 Growth duration of the different rice varieties under different sowing dates V1: Su 1785; V2: Suxiangjing 100; B1, B2, B3, B4 are the different sowing dates on May 11, May 21, May 31, and June 10, respectively. S-J: from seeding stage to jointing stage; J-H: from jointing stage to heading stage; H-M: from heading stage to maturity stage. |
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