李增强, 丁鑫超, 卢海, 胡亚丽, 岳娇, 黄震, 莫良玉, 陈立, 陈涛, 陈鹏

Physiological characteristics and DNA methylation analysis under lead stress in kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus L.)
LI Zeng-Qiang, DING Xin-Chao, LU Hai, HU Ya-Li, YUE Jiao, HUANG Zhen, MO Liang-Yu, CHEN Li, CHEN Tao, CHEN Peng
表5 甲基化差异片段比对分析
Table 5 Comparisons analysis of differentially methylated sequences
Gene name
Fragment length (bp)
Gene symbol or ID
Gene full name
Functional annotation
7-dlgase 255 Hca.05G0009940 Hca. flavonol-3-O-glycoside-7-O-glucosyltransferase 1 将UDP-糖基供体转移到花色素的C7羟基(羧基)[18]
Transfer UDP glycosyl donor to C7 hydroxy (carboxy) of anthocyanins.
AHL23 110 Hca.02G0040470 Hca. AT hook motif domain containing protein AT-hook家族蛋白在植物生长发育、激素信号转导和逆境胁迫应答中发挥重要作用[19]
At-hook family proteins play an important role in plant growth and development, plant hormone signal transduction and stress response.
CesA2 140 Hca.03G0045600 Hca. CESA1-cellulose synthase CesA影响初生壁和次生壁的生物合成,响应植物的抗病性[20]
CesA affects cell wall biosynthesis and responds to plant disease resistance.
chD12 136 CP023742 Gossypium hirsutum cultivar TM1 chromosome D12 尚未见报道。
Has not been reported.
EF1B/S6 131 Hca.09G0002430 Hca. eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit D 尚未见报道。
Has not been reported.
ETO1 178 Hca.13G0028050 Hca. ethylene-responsive protein related 乙烯调控种子萌发、器官衰老、生物和非生物胁迫等过程。
Ethylene regulates seed germination, organ senescence, biotic and abiotic stress.
GTPase 361 Hca.01G0050250 Hca. RAN GTPase-activating protein 1 参与调控细胞周期中各个时期的细胞生命活动。
It is involved in the regulation of cell activities at various stages of the cell cycle.
Kinase 165 Hca.02G0009450 Hca. protein kinase family protein 尚未见报道。
Has not been reported.
mit-gene 247 KR736346 Gossypium trilobum mitochondrion, complete genome 尚未见报道。
Has not been reported.
NPF5.4 269 LOC108487536 Gossypium arboreum protein NRT1/ PTR FAMILY 5.4-like NRT1/PTR家族蛋白参与转运植物激素及次生代谢物合成过程。
NRT1/PTR family proteins are involved in the transport of plant hormones and the synthesis of secondary metabolites.
Phosphatase 248 Hca.13G0013080 Hca. phosphatidic acid phosphatase-related 参与磷酸基团转移、代谢等生理过程。
It is involved in the transfer and metabolism of phosphate groups.
PLK 265 Hca.15G0014780 Hca. receptor-like protein kinase 类受体激酶通过接收和传递胞外信号调控细胞的生理反应,参与植物生长发育过程。
Receptor-like protein kinase regulates cellular physiological responses by receiving and transmitting extracellular signals and are involved in plant growth and development.
PME7 117 Hca.01G0006960 Hca. pectinesterase 果胶酯酶抑制剂在植物生长发育和响应逆境胁迫中发挥重要作用[21]
Pectinesterase inhibitor plays an important role in plant growth and response to stress.
PMT24 171 Hca.15G0021740 Hca. methyltransferase 催化腐胺向N-甲基腐胺的转化。
Catalyze the conversion of putrescine to N-methylputrescine.
RaBa1f 170 LOC105766406 Gossypium raimondii ras-related protein RABA1f RABA家族蛋白在调控根毛扩张?细胞壁组分、响应生物胁迫等方面发挥重要作用。
RABA family protein plays an important role in regulating root hair expansion, cell wall components and responding to biological stress.
SAM-MET 114 Hca.18G0000220 Hca. S-adenosyl-L-methionine-dependent methyltransferases 催化的甲基化修饰对植物信号传导、染色体表达和基因沉默等起重要的调节作用。
Catalytic methylation plays an important role in regulating signal transduction, chromosome expression and gene silencing in plants.
SGT1 300 Hca.02G0014470 Hca. SGT1 protein SGT1基因与植物与植物响应生物和非生物胁迫密切相关 。
SGT1 gene is closely related to plant response to biotic and abiotic stress.
TIM21 257 Hca.12G0027090 Hca. mitochondrial import inner membrane translocase subunit Tim 负责线粒体内膜的转运与装配[22]
Responsible for the transport and assembly of mitochondrial intima.
TPR 353 Hca.17G0008870 Hca. tetratricopeptide repeat domain containing protein 介导与蛋白质的相互作用。
Mediates interactions with proteins.
VPS13F 102 Hca.05G0005060 Hca. vacuolar protein sorting-associated protein 16 液泡分选相关蛋白参与调控主根的发育和植株生长素响应过程。
Vacuolar protein sorting-associated protein are involved in the regulation of taproot development and auxin response.
WD40 140 Hca.01G0001440 Hca. katanin p80 WD40 repeat-containing subunit B1 homolog 1 WD40是拟南芥生长发育和胁迫信号传递的关键调控因子[23]
WD40 is a key regulator of Arabidopsis growth and stress signal transmission.
β-man6 188 Hca.02G0010790 Hca. alpha-mannosidase 2 α-甘露聚糖酶引导蛋白的跨膜运输。
alpha-mannosidase guides the transmembrane transport of proteins.