尹明, 杨大为, 唐慧娟, 潘根, 李德芳, 赵立宁, 黄思齐

Genome-wide identification of GRAS transcription factor and expression analysis in response to cadmium stresses in hemp (Cannabis sativa L.)
YIN Ming, YANG Da-Wei, TANG Hui-Juan, PAN Gen, LI De-Fang, ZHAO Li-Ning, HUANG Si-Qi
图1 大麻、拟南芥的GRAS基因系统进化树
不同颜色表示不同的亚家族, 同一颜色的不同基因均属同一亚家族。
Fig. 1 Phylogenetic tree of GRAS family in hemp and Arabidopsis
Different colors indicate different subfamily, and different genes under the same color belong to the same subfamily.