黄兴, 习金根, 陈涛, 覃旭, 谭施北, 陈河龙, 易克贤

Identification and expression of PAL genes in sisal
HUANG Xing, XI Jin-Gen, CHEN Tao, QIN Xu, TAN Shi-Bei, CHEN He-Long, YI Ke-Xian
图2 龙舌兰属PAL基因选择压力分析
物种缩写同图1。使用DnaSP进行滑窗法分析, 窗口长度为30 bp, 步移长度为6 bp。
Fig. 2 Selection pressure analysis of PALs in Agave
Abbreviations of species are the same as those given in Fig. 1. Sliding window analysis was conducted by DnaSP with a window size of 30 bp and a step size of six bp.