李辉, 李德芳, 邓勇, 潘根, 陈安国, 赵立宁, 唐慧娟

Expression analysis of abiotic stress response gene HcWRKY71 in kenaf and transformation of Arabidopsis
LI Hui, LI De-Fang, DENG Yong, PAN Gen, CHEN An-Guo, ZHAO Li-Ning, TANG Hui-Juan
图3 红麻HcWRKY71与其他植物WRKY71蛋白氨基酸序列一致性比对
不同颜色代表不同氨基酸残基的保守性。蓝色表示氨基酸完全保守; 粉红色、青色、黄色分别表示氨基酸的保守性为75%以上、50%以上及33%以上; 白色表示氨基酸的保守性不足33%。
Fig. 3 Amino acid sequence alignment of HcWRKY71 and WRKY71 proteins from other plants
The different color indicates that the different levels of the conservation amino acid residues. The blue means amino acids are complete conservation, the pink, cyan, yellow means that the conservation of amino acids is no less than 75%, no less than 50%, no less than 33% and white means no more than 33%.