主要麻类作物基因组学与遗传改良: 现状与展望
徐益, 张力岚, 祁建民, 张列梅, 张立武

Genomics and genetic improvement in main bast fiber crops: advances and perspectives
XU Yi, ZHANG Li-Lan, QI Jian-Min, ZHANG Lie-Mei, ZHANG Li-Wu
附表2 主要麻类作物响应非生物胁迫候选基因信息
Table S2 Information of candidate genes for abiotic stress response in main bast fiber crops
Function or phenotype
α-amylase 苎麻 Ramie 响应干旱和高盐逆境胁迫
Response to drought and high salt stress
A-ARR 黄麻 Jute 通过细胞分裂素途径响应盐胁迫
Response to salt stress through cytokinin pathway
ABF 黄麻 Jute 通过ABA信号通路响应盐胁迫
Response to salt stress through the ABA signaling pathway
ACO1 苎麻 Ramie 响应干旱和高盐逆境胁迫
Response to drought and high salt stress
AHP 黄麻 Jute 通过细胞分裂素途径响应盐胁迫
Response to salt stress through cytokinin pathway
AP2/ERF 红麻 Kenaf 在盐胁迫转录组中检测到的差异表达因子
Differential expression factors detected in transcriptome under salt stress
AP2/EREBP 红麻 Kenaf 在盐胁迫转录组中检测到的差异表达因子
Differential expression factors detected in transcriptome under salt stress
ARF 红麻 Kenaf 在盐胁迫转录组中检测到的差异表达因子
Differential expression factors detected in transcriptome under salt stress
Function or phenotype
AvrL2 亚麻 Flax 抵御锈病感染 Resist rust infection [76, 107]
AvrL567 亚麻 Flax 抵御锈病感染 Resist rust infection [76]
AvrM14 亚麻 Flax 抵御锈病感染 Resist rust infection [76, 107]
AvrP123 亚麻 Flax 抵御锈病感染 Resist rust infection [76]
AvrP4 亚麻 Flax 抵御锈病感染 Resist rust infection [76]
AvrM 亚麻 Flax 抵御锈病感染 Resist rust infection [76]
B-ARR 黄麻 Jute 通过细胞分裂素途径响应盐胁迫
Response to salt stress through cytokinin pathway
bHLH 红麻 Kenaf 在盐胁迫转录组中检测到的差异表达因子
Differential expression factors detected in transcriptome under salt stress
bZIP 红麻, 苎麻
Kenaf, ramie
Response to drought and high salt stress
[27, 52]
CAX3 亚麻 Flax 基因产物可能通过Ca2+介导的胞内调节参与了亚麻对高酸性、高Al3+浓度的响应
Gene product may be involved in the response of flax to high acidity and high Al3+ concentration through Ca2+ mediated intracellular regulation
CCAAT 黄麻 Jute 在盐胁迫转录组中检测到的差异表达因子
Differential expression factors detected in transcriptome under salt stress
CRE1 黄麻 Jute 通过细胞分裂素途径响应盐胁迫
Response to salt stress through cytokinin pathway
G6PDH1 苎麻 Ramie 响应重金属镉胁迫 Response to cadmium stress [57]
GS2 苎麻 Ramie 转基因烟草能提高生物产量和氮利用效率
Transgenic tobacco can improve biomass and nitrogen utilization
HB 黄麻 Jute 在盐胁迫转录组中检测到的差异表达因子
Differential expression factors detected in transcriptome under salt stress
HDA2 红麻 Kenaf 盐胁迫和干旱胁迫的响应基因
Response genes of salt and drought stress
HDA8 红麻 Kenaf 盐胁迫和干旱胁迫的响应基因
Response genes of salt and drought stress
HDA9 红麻 Kenaf 盐胁迫和干旱胁迫的响应基因
Response genes of salt and drought stress
HDA19 红麻 Kenaf 盐胁迫和干旱胁迫的响应基因
Response genes of salt and drought stress
HHDA6 红麻 Kenaf 盐胁迫和干旱胁迫的响应基因
Response genes of salt and drought stress
HSF 黄麻 Jute 在盐胁迫转录组中检测到的差异表达因子
Differential expression factors detected in transcriptome under salt stress
HSF 亚麻 Flax 响应高温胁迫 Response to high temperature stress [70]
JAS 亚麻 Flax 响应土壤营养胁迫的响应 Response to soil nutrient stress [71]
KCS 黄麻 Jute 转基因增强了植株的抗旱性
Transgene enhances plant drought resistance
MADS-box 亚麻 Flax 参与调节植物生长发育和参与耐铝性细胞壁修饰的酶
Enzymes involved in the regulation of plant growth and development and in the modification of aluminum resistant cell wall
MYB 黄麻 Jute 在盐胁迫转录组中检测到的差异表达因子
Differential expression factors detected in transcriptome under salt stress
MYB83 苎麻 Ramie 响应重金属镉胁迫 Response to cadmium stress [56]
NAC 红麻 Kenaf 在盐胁迫转录组中检测到的差异表达因子
Differential expression factors detected in transcriptome under salt stress
Function or phenotype
NAC 亚麻 Flax 参与调节植物生长发育和参与耐铝性细胞壁修饰的酶
Enzymes involved in the regulation of plant growth and development and in the modification of aluminum resistant cell wall
NRAMP1 苎麻 Ramie 响应重金属镉胁迫 Response to cadmium stress [58]
PCS1 苎麻 Ramie 响应重金属镉胁迫 Response to cadmium stress [55]
PP2C 黄麻 Jute 通过ABA信号通路响应盐胁迫
Response to salt stress through the ABA signaling pathway
PYL 黄麻 Jute 通过ABA信号通路响应盐胁迫
Response to salt stress through the ABA signaling pathway
RLK 黄麻 Jute 抗旱机制的负调控因子
Negative regulatory factors of drought resistance mechanism
SnRK2 黄麻 Jute 通过ABA信号通路响应盐胁迫
Response to salt stress through the ABA signaling pathway
SRT2 红麻 Kenaf 盐胁迫和干旱胁迫的响应基因
Response genes of salt and drought stress
TCP 红麻 Kenaf 在盐胁迫转录组中检测到的差异表达因子
Differential expression factors detected in transcriptome under salt stress
WD40-1 红麻 Kenaf ABA和MeJA信号转导途径、盐和干旱胁迫应答途径的关键枢纽基因
Key genes of ABA and MeJA signal transduction pathway, salt and drought stress response pathway
WRKY 黄麻, 红麻, 苎麻
Jute, kenaf, ramie
Differential expression factors detected in transcriptome under salt and drought stress
[21, 27, 29, 50]