苏亚春, 李聪娜, 苏炜华, 尤垂淮, 岑光莉, 张畅, 任永娟, 阙友雄

Identification of thaumatin-like protein family in Saccharum spontaneum and functional analysis of its homologous gene in sugarcane cultivar
SU Ya-Chun, LI Cong-Na, SU Wei-Hua, YOU Chui-Huai, CEN Guang-Li, ZHANG Chang, REN Yong-Juan, QUE You-Xiong
图9 ScTLP1蛋白在本氏烟叶片表皮的亚细胞定位
该结果包含明场、绿色荧光、叠加场3个视野下拍摄的照片。箭头a、b和c分别表示细胞核、细胞膜和细胞质。35S::GFP为含有亚细胞定位空载的GV3101菌液注射本氏烟的结果; 35S::ScTLP1::GFP为含有目的基因ScTLP1的重组亚细胞定位载体的GV3101菌液注射本氏烟的结果。标尺为50 μm。
Fig. 9 Subcellular localization of ScTLP1 protein in the epidermis of Nicotiana benthamiana
The results include photographs taken from three perspectives, including visual field, green fluorescence, and merged field. The arrows a, b, and c represent the nucleus, cell membrane, and cytoplasm, respectively. 35S::GFP is the result of N. benthamiana injection with GV3101 bacterial solution containing subcellular localization empty vector; 35S::ScTLP1::GFP is the result of N. benthamiana injection with GV3101 bacterial solution containing and the recombinant subcellular localization vector with the target gene ScTLP1. Bar: 50 μm.