苏亚春, 李聪娜, 苏炜华, 尤垂淮, 岑光莉, 张畅, 任永娟, 阙友雄

Identification of thaumatin-like protein family in Saccharum spontaneum and functional analysis of its homologous gene in sugarcane cultivar
SU Ya-Chun, LI Cong-Na, SU Wei-Hua, YOU Chui-Huai, CEN Guang-Li, ZHANG Chang, REN Yong-Juan, QUE You-Xiong
图2 SsTLP家族基因结构
绿色方框代表编码序列(CDS); 黄色方框代表非编码序列(UTR); 方框中间的横线代表内含子; 0、1和2代表内含子相位。
Fig. 2 Gene structure of SsTLP family
The green box representes the coding sequence (CDS); the yellow box representes the untranslated region (UTR); the horizontal line in the middle of the box representes the intron; 0, 1, and 2 representes the intron phase.