苏亚春, 李聪娜, 苏炜华, 尤垂淮, 岑光莉, 张畅, 任永娟, 阙友雄

Identification of thaumatin-like protein family in Saccharum spontaneum and functional analysis of its homologous gene in sugarcane cultivar
SU Ya-Chun, LI Cong-Na, SU Wei-Hua, YOU Chui-Huai, CEN Guang-Li, ZHANG Chang, REN Yong-Juan, QUE You-Xiong
图7 ScTLP1基因的组织特异性表达及在不同逆境胁迫下的表达
A: ScTLP1基因在甘蔗ROC22中的组织特异性表达。R: 蔗根; SP: 蔗肉; L: 蔗叶; SE: 蔗皮; B: 蔗芽。B: ScTLP1基因在甘蔗黑穗病菌侵染下的表达。C~H: ScTLP1基因在外源激素和非生物胁迫下的表达。ABA: 脱落酸; SA: 水杨酸; MeJA: 茉莉酸甲酯; NaCl: 氯化钠; PEG: 聚乙二醇; Low temperature: 4℃低温处理。误差线代表每组处理的标准误差(n = 3)。柱上标以不同小写字母表示在0.05水平显著差异。
Fig. 7 Tissue specific expression of ScTLP1 gene and its expression under different environmental stresses
A: tissue-specific expression of ScTLP1 gene in sugarcane ROC22. R: root; SP: stem pith; L: leaf; SE: stem epidermis; B: bud. B: expression of ScTLP1 gene after inoculation with Sporisorium scitamineum. C-H: expression of ScTLP1 gene under exogenous hormones and abiotic stresses. ABA: abscisic acid; SA: salicylic acid; MeJA: methyl jasmonate; NaCl: sodium chloride; PEG: polyethylene glycol; Low temperature: 4°C low temperature treatment. The error bars represent the standard error of each group treatment (n = 3). Different lowercase letters above the bars mean significant differences at the 0.05 probability level.