李静, 王洪章, 刘鹏, 张吉旺, 赵斌, 任佰朝

Differences in photosynthetic performance of leaves at post-flowering stage in different cultivation modes of summer maize (Zea mays L.)
LI Jing, WANG Hong-Zhang, LIU Peng, ZHANG Ji-Wang, ZHAO Bin, REN Bai-Zhao
表3 夏玉米不同栽培模式花后比叶重、叶面积指数及叶绿素含量的差异
Table 3 Differences of specific leaf weight, leaf area index and chlorophyll content at post-flowering stage under different cultivation modes in summer maize
Specific leaf weight
(mg cm-2)
Leaf area index
Chlorophyll a
(mg dm-2)
Chlorophyll b
(mg dm-2)
Chlorophyll a/b
R1 R1+30 d R1 R1+30 d R1 R1+30 d R1 R1+30 d R1 R1+30 d
2018 SH 4.75 a 4.38 a 6.2 a 5.3 a 5.53 a 5.04 a 2.70 a 2.31 a 2.04 a 2.16 a
HH 4.63 ab 4.34 ab 5.4 b 4.8 b 5.21 b 4.77 b 2.66 a 2.26 ab 1.95 b 2.11 ab
FP 4.53 b 4.11 b 4.8 c 4.5 c 5.06 b 4.59 c 2.63 a 2.24 b 1.92 b 2.05 b
2019 SH 4.69 a 4.39 a 7.1 a 6.6 a 5.42 a 5.01 a 2.71 a 2.35 a 1.99 a 2.13 a
HH 4.55 ab 4.30 a 6.1 b 5.5 b 5.18 b 4.71 b 2.67 a 2.25 ab 1.94 b 2.09 ab
FP 4.38 b 4.16 ab 5.0 c 4.6 c 5.04 c 4.52 c 2.66 a 2.21 b 1.90 b 2.04 b