李博, 张驰, 曾玉玲, 李秋萍, 任洪超, 卢慧, 杨帆, 陈虹, 王丽, 陈勇, 任万军, 邓飞

Effects of sowing date on eating quality of indica hybrid rice in Sichuan Basin
LI Bo, ZHANG Chi, ZENG Yu-Ling, LI Qiu-Ping, REN Hong-Chao, LU Hui, YANG Fan, CEHN Hong, WANG Li, CHEN Yong, REN Wan-Jun, DENG Fei
表7 抽穗至成熟期气象因子对综合评分的作用
Table 7 Effects of meteorological factors during heading to maturation period on comprehensive score
Meteorological factors
通径系数 Path coefficient 贡献率
Contribution rate
Direct effect
间接作用 Indirect effect
Daily average temperature
Accumulated temperature
Sunshine hours
大邑 Dayi
日平均温度Daily average temperature 0.338 -0.014 -0.515 -0.033 0.076
积温 Accumulated temperature -0.269 0.018 -0.187 -0.025 0.125
日照时数 Sunshine hours -0.748 0.233 -0.067 0.005 0.432
降雨量 Rainfall -0.184 0.061 -0.037 0.019 0.026
南部 Nanbu
日平均温度Daily average temperature 0.311 0.030 -0.383 -0.143 -0.058
积温 Accumulated temperature -0.221 -0.042 -0.049 -0.053 0.077
日照时数 Sunshine hours -0.495 0.240 -0.022 -0.101 0.187
降雨量 Rainfall 0.222 -0.200 0.053 0.266 0.067
射洪 Shehong
日平均温度Daily average temperature -0.067 -0.122 -0.356 0.217 0.022
积温 Accumulated temperature -0.606 -0.013 -0.249 0.222 0.391
日照时数 Sunshine hours -0.411 -0.058 -0.367 0.287 0.226
降雨量 Rainfall -0.322 0.045 0.417 0.366 -0.163
3个地点 3 locations
日平均温度Daily average temperature 0.236 -0.119 -0.290 0.134 -0.009
积温 Accumulated temperature -0.409 0.069 -0.124 0.122 0.140
日照时数 Sunshine hours -0.397 0.173 -0.128 0.077 0.109
降雨量 Rainfall -0.228 -0.139 0.219 0.134 0.003