播期对四川盆地杂交籼稻米饭食味品质的影响 |
李博, 张驰, 曾玉玲, 李秋萍, 任洪超, 卢慧, 杨帆, 陈虹, 王丽, 陈勇, 任万军, 邓飞 |
Effects of sowing date on eating quality of indica hybrid rice in Sichuan Basin |
LI Bo, ZHANG Chi, ZENG Yu-Ling, LI Qiu-Ping, REN Hong-Chao, LU Hui, YANG Fan, CEHN Hong, WANG Li, CHEN Yong, REN Wan-Jun, DENG Fei |
图2 GGE双标图分析播期-地点(a)和播期-品种(b)适应性 图中数字1、2、3、4分别代表第1、第2、第3、第4播期; DY: 大邑; NB: 南部; SH: 射洪。G代表品种, 后面的数字1、2、3分别代表宜香优2115、F优498、川优6203。图a、b中2018、2019代表年份。 |
Fig. 2 Adaptability analysis of sowing date-location (a) and sowing date-variety (b) based on GGE biplot The numbers 1, 2, 3, and 4 in the figure represent the first, second, third, and fourth sowing dates, respectively; DY: Dayi; NB: Nanbu; SH: Shehong. G represents the variety, and the numbers 1, 2, and 3 at the back represent Yixiangyou 2115, F you 498, and Chuanyou 6203, respectively. In this figure, a and b represent in 2018 and in 2019. |