王艳朋, 凌磊, 张文睿, 王丹, 郭长虹

Genome-wide identification and expression analysis of B-box gene family in wheat
WANG Yan-Peng, LING Lei, ZHANG Wen-Rui, WANG Dan, GUO Chang-Hong
图3 小麦B-box基因家族成员在染色体上的位置和基因复制
每个彩色条代表一条染色体, 基因命名是根据它们在染色体上的位置来标记的, 片段复制基因用彩色线条连接。
Fig. 3 Chromosome location and gene duplications of the B-box gene family in wheat
Each colored bar represents a chromosome, gene names are labeled on the basis of their positions on the chromosomes, segmental duplication genes are linked by colored lines.