张思梦, 倪文荣, 吕尊富, 林燕, 林力卓, 钟子毓, 崔鹏, 陆国权

Identification and index screening of soft rot resistance at harvest stage in sweetpotato
ZHANG Si-Meng, NI Wen-Rong, LYU Zun-Fu, LIN Yan, LIN Li-Zhuo, ZHONG Zi-Yu, CUI Peng, LU Guo-Quan
表2 不同收获期甘薯块根软腐病病斑直径
Table 2 Spot diameters of root soft rot disease at different harvest stages in sweetpotato (cm)
收获时间Harvest time
90 d 105 d 120 d 135 d 150 d
徐紫薯8号 Xuzishu 8 0.82±0.12 d 2.17±0.06 a 1.622±0.04 b 1.79±0.16 b 1.37±0.22 c
烟薯25 Yanshu 25 0.90±0.06 d 3.58±0.05 a 1.07±0.03 d 1.74±0.28 b 1.41±0.13 c
济薯25 Jishu 25 0.59±0.05 c 2.62±0.14 a 1.31±0.44 b 1.29±0.05 b 1.54±0.11 b
浙薯13 Zheshu 13 0.59±0.02 e 2.79±0.36 a 1.42±0.11 c 1.04±0.14 d 1.84±0.17 b
心香 Xinxiang 0.83±0.01 d 3.17±0.17 a 2.82±0.21 b 1.10±0.10 d 2.18±0.17 c
漯紫薯4号 Luozishu 4 0.52±0.02 c 1.64±0.07 a 1.50±0.15 a 0.69±0.04 c 1.31±0.14 b