张波, 裴瑞琴, 杨维丰, 朱海涛, 刘桂富, 张桂权, 王少奎

Mapping and identification QTLs controlling grain size in rice (Oryza sativa L.) by using single segment substitution lines derived from IAPAR9
ZHANG Bo, PEI Rui-Qing, YANG Wei-Feng, ZHU Hai-Tao, LIU Gui-Fu, ZHANG Gui-Quan, WANG Shao-Kui
图3 代换片段在水稻染色体上的覆盖率
遗传距离(单位: cM)见左侧标尺; 染色体上黑色部分代表该区域可以被来自IAPAR9的代换片段所覆盖; 蓝色字体突出显示相关位点上已克隆的水稻粒型基因。
Fig. 3 Coverage of substitution fragments on rice chromosomes
The genetic distance (cM) is shown as rulers on the left margin. Filled and open bars represent chromosomal segments homozygous for IAPAR9 and HJX74 alleles, respectively. The cloned genes are shown in blue font.