张波, 裴瑞琴, 杨维丰, 朱海涛, 刘桂富, 张桂权, 王少奎

Mapping and identification QTLs controlling grain size in rice (Oryza sativa L.) by using single segment substitution lines derived from IAPAR9
ZHANG Bo, PEI Rui-Qing, YANG Wei-Feng, ZHU Hai-Tao, LIU Gui-Fu, ZHANG Gui-Quan, WANG Shao-Kui
图4 亲本和SSSL材料粒长、粒宽和千粒重频次分布
a~c: 2018晚季亲本和SSSL的粒长、粒宽和千粒重的频次分布; d~f: 2019早季亲本和SSSL的粒长、粒宽和千粒重的频次分布。
Fig. 4 Frequency distribution of grain length, width and 1000-grain weight in SSSLs and the parents in two seasons
a-c: the frequency distribution of grain length, width, and 1000-grain weight in SSSLs and the parents in later season of 2018; d-f: the frequency distribution of grain length, width, and 1000-grain weight in SSSLs and the parents in early season of 2019.