普通小麦-六倍体中间偃麦草易位系的抗条锈鉴定及应用评估 |
王音, 冯志威, 葛川, 赵佳佳, 乔玲, 武棒棒, 闫素仙, 郑军, 郑兴卫 |
Identification of seedling resistance to stripe rust in wheat-Thinopyrum intermedium translocation line and its potential application in breeding |
WANG Yin, FENG Zhi-Wei, GE Chuan, ZHAO Jia-Jia, QIAO Ling, WU Bang-Bang, YAN Su-Xian, ZHENG Jun, ZHENG Xing-Wei |
图3 不同材料的标记鉴定结果 A: ZH811和ZH577的RAPD扩增(对应泳道从左到右分别是DL2000 marker、ZH811和ZH577退火温度46℃扩增、ZH811和ZH577退火温度50℃扩增、ZH811和ZH577退火温度54℃扩增); 白色箭头指示ZH811和ZH577扩增出的差异条带; B: SCAR标记不同材料中的扩增结果(对应泳道从左到右分别是DL2000 marker、ZH811、ZH577、中国春CS、临4133、晋麦33、中间偃麦草ZH1141、二倍体长穗偃麦草PI98526、百萨偃麦草PI531712、拟鹅观草PI313960、ddH2O); |
Fig. 3 Identification of different materials A: RAPD analysis of ZH811 and ZH577 (The corresponding lanes from left to right are DL2000 marker, ZH811 and ZH577 with Tm at 46℃, ZH811 and ZH577 with Tm at 50℃, ZH811 and ZH577 with Tm at 54℃; Arrows show the differential band amplified between ZH811 and ZH577; B: PCR patterns of SCAR marker (The corresponding lanes from left to right are DL2000 marker, ZH811, ZH577, CS, Lin 4133, Jinmai 33, Th. intermedium ZH1141, Th. elongatum PI98526, Th. bessarabicum PI531712, Pseudoroegneria strigose PI313960, ddH2O). |
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