陈云, 刘昆, 张宏路, 李思宇, 张亚军, 韦佳利, 张耗, 顾骏飞, 刘立军, 杨建昌

Effects of machine transplanting density and panicle nitrogen fertilizer reduction on grains starch synthesis in good taste rice cultivars
CHEN Yun, LIU Kun, ZHANG Hong-Lu, LI Si-Yu, ZHANG Ya-Jun, WEI Jia-Li, ZHANG Hao, GU Jun-Fei, LIU Li-Jun, YANG Jian-Chang
图4 机插密度对优质食味水稻品种籽粒直链淀粉和总淀粉积累动态的影响(2018年)
18.5、20.8、23.8、27.8和33.3分别表示机插密度为18.5×104、20.8×104、23.8×104、27.8×104和33.3×104穴 hm-2
Fig. 4 Effects of machine transplanting density on the dynamics of amylose content and total starch content in grains of good taste rice cultivars in 2018
18.5, 20.8, 23.8, 27.8, and 33.3 represent the transplanting density of 18.5 × 104, 20.8 × 104, 23.8 × 104, 27.8 × 104, and 33.3 × 104 hills hm-2, respectively.