地膜覆盖对黄土高原地区两种种植密度下玉米叶片代谢组的影响 |
牛丽, 白文波, 李霞, 段凤莹, 侯鹏, 赵如浪, 王永宏, 赵明, 李少昆, 宋吉青, 周文彬 |
Effects of plastic film mulching on leaf metabolic profiles of maize in the Loess Plateau with two planting densities |
NIU Li, BAI Wen-Bo, LI Xia, DUAN Feng-Ying, HOU Peng, ZHAO Ru-Lang, WANG Yong-Hong, ZHAO Ming, LI Shao-Kun, SONG Ji-Qing, ZHOU Wen-Bin |
图2 不同处理下玉米叶片代谢组的主成分分析 A: 第一主成分(PC1)和第二主成分(PC2)的得分图; B: PC1前十位正载荷和负载荷的代谢物; C: PC2前十位正载荷和负载荷的代谢物。FMZL: 地膜覆盖低密度种植的ZD958; FMZH: 地膜覆盖高密度种植的ZD958; FMXL: 地膜覆盖低密度种植的XY335; FMXH: 地膜覆盖高密度种植的XY335; NMZL: 无覆盖低密度种植的ZD958; NMZH: 无覆盖高密度种植的ZD958; NMXL: 无覆盖低密度种植的XY335; NMXH: 无覆盖高密度种植的XY335。其中绿色色块代表较低的含量, 红色色块代表较高的含量。 |
Fig. 2 Principal component analysis (PCA) of the metabolic profile of maize leaves under different treatments A: scores of the first principal component (PC1) and the second principal component (PC2). B: the top ten negative and metabolites of PC1. C: the top ten negative and metabolites of PC2. FMZL: ZD958 with low planting density and plastic film mulching; FMZH: ZD958 with high planting density and plastic film mulching; FMXL: XY335 with low planting density and plastic film mulching; FMXH: XY335 with high planting density and plastic film mulching; NMZL: ZD958 with low planting density and no mulching; NMZH: ZD958 with high planting density and no mulching; NMXL: XY335 with low planting density and no mulching; NMXH: XY335 with high planting density and no mulching. Among them, green represents lower expression abundance, and red represents higher expression abundance. |
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