牛丽, 白文波, 李霞, 段凤莹, 侯鹏, 赵如浪, 王永宏, 赵明, 李少昆, 宋吉青, 周文彬

Effects of plastic film mulching on leaf metabolic profiles of maize in the Loess Plateau with two planting densities
NIU Li, BAI Wen-Bo, LI Xia, DUAN Feng-Ying, HOU Peng, ZHAO Ru-Lang, WANG Yong-Hong, ZHAO Ming, LI Shao-Kun, SONG Ji-Qing, ZHOU Wen-Bin
图5 覆膜和无覆膜条件下玉米叶片中41种主要代谢物的层次聚类分析及主要分类的代表性物质
处理同图2。其中绿色色块代表较低的含量, 红色色块代表较高的含量。
Fig. 5 Hierarchical cluster analysis of 41 major metabolites and representative substances of main classification under plastic film mulching and no mulching conditions in maize leaves
Treatments are the same as those given in Fig. 2. Among them, green represents lower expression abundance, and red represents higher expression abundance.