地膜覆盖对黄土高原地区两种种植密度下玉米叶片代谢组的影响 |
牛丽, 白文波, 李霞, 段凤莹, 侯鹏, 赵如浪, 王永宏, 赵明, 李少昆, 宋吉青, 周文彬 |
Effects of plastic film mulching on leaf metabolic profiles of maize in the Loess Plateau with two planting densities |
NIU Li, BAI Wen-Bo, LI Xia, DUAN Feng-Ying, HOU Peng, ZHAO Ru-Lang, WANG Yong-Hong, ZHAO Ming, LI Shao-Kun, SONG Ji-Qing, ZHOU Wen-Bin |
图6 玉米叶片的代谢网络变化情况 红色圆代表在地膜覆盖处理下总体上调的物质, 绿色圆代表在地膜覆盖处理下总体下调的物质。8个不同的色块从左到右依次代表FMZL、FMZH、FMXL、FMXH、NMZL、NMZH、NMXL、NMXH, 处理同 |
Fig. 6 Changes in the metabolic network of maize leaves Red circles represent substances that are generally up-regulated under plastic film mulching treatment, and green circles represent substances that are generally down-regulated under plastic film mulching treatment. Eight different color blocks from left to right represent FMZL, FMZH, FMXL, FMXH, NMZL, NMZH, NMXL, and NMXH, respectively. Treatments are the same as those given in |
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