张骁, 闫岩, 王文辉, 郑恒彪, 姚霞, 朱艳, 程涛

Application of continuous wavelet analysis to laboratory reflectance spectra for the prediction of grain amylose content in rice
ZHANG Xiao, YAN Yan, WANG Wen-Hui, ZHENG Heng-Biao, YAO Xia, ZHU Yan, CHENG Tao
表3 短波红外波段重要化学物质的吸收特征[28]
Table 3 Absorption features that have been related to particular chemical constituents in the shortwave infrared region [28]
Wavelength (nm)
Dry matter constituent
Wavelength (nm)
Dry matter constituent
1690 木质素、蛋白质 Lignin, protein 2060 蛋白质、氮 Protein, nitrogen
1820 纤维素 Cellulose 2130 蛋白质 Protein
1900 淀粉 Starch 2180 蛋白质、氮 Protein, nitrogen
1980 蛋白质 Protein 2240 蛋白质 Protein
2000 淀粉 Starch 2300 蛋白质、氮Protein, nitrogen