基于小波分析的水稻籽粒直链淀粉含量高光谱预测 |
张骁, 闫岩, 王文辉, 郑恒彪, 姚霞, 朱艳, 程涛 |
Application of continuous wavelet analysis to laboratory reflectance spectra for the prediction of grain amylose content in rice |
ZHANG Xiao, YAN Yan, WANG Wen-Hui, ZHENG Heng-Biao, YAO Xia, ZHU Yan, CHENG Tao |
图11 干穗水平直链淀粉敏感小波特征分布图 A: 乳熟期; B: 蜡熟期; C: 黄熟期; D: 完熟期; E: 相应波长的米粉反射光谱。蓝色方框代表不同时期存在的相同敏感小波特征。黄色方框代表米粉光谱直链淀粉敏感小波系数。蓝色虚线代表对应波长。黑色箭头代表淀粉吸收波段。 |
Fig. 11 Correlation scalograms for the identification of significant wavelet features of dried panicle related to GAC A: milking stage; B: dough ripening stage; C: yellow ripening stage; D: full ripening stage; E: reflectance spectra of rice panicles. The blue boxes represent the same sensitive wavelet features at different growth stages, while the blue dashed lines represent the corresponding wavelengths. The yellow box represents GAC sensitive wavelet coefficient determined at powder level. The black downward arrows on the top of the figure indicate the wavelength locations of absorption features for starch. |
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