丛枝菌根真菌对玉米籽粒产量和氮素吸收的影响 |
张学林, 李晓立, 何堂庆, 张晨曦, 田明慧, 吴梅, 周亚男, 郝晓峰, 杨青华 |
Effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on grain yield and nitrogen uptake in maize |
ZHANG Xue-Lin, LI Xiao-Li, HE Tang-Qing, ZHANG Chen-Xi, TIAN Ming-Hui, WU Mei, ZHOU Ya-Nan, HAO Xiao-Feng, YANG Qing-Hua |
图1 氮肥用量、秸秆和菌根真菌对玉米籽粒产量、氮素积累量和收获指数的影响 M0、M1、M2分别代表对照、菌丝室只有AMF菌丝、菌丝室有根和菌丝。N180S0、N180S1、N360S0、N360S1分别代表施氮量180 kg km-2条件下无秸秆、180 kg km-2条件下有秸秆、360 kg km-2条件下无秸秆、360 kg km-2条件下有秸秆处理。同一年度中, 同列数据后不同字母表示处理间P < 0.05水平差异显著性。 |
Fig. 1 Effects of N fertilization, straw, and mycorrhizae on maize grain yield, N accumulation, and harvest index M0 represents the control; M1 represents that only AMF hyphae can enter the hyphal chamber from the growth chamber; M2 represents that both roots and AMF can enter the hyphal chamber from the growth chamber. N180S0, N180S1, N360S0, N360S1 represent nitrogen level of 180 kg hm-2 without straw, 180 kg hm-2 and straw, 360 kg hm-2 without straw and 360 kg hm-2 with straw, respectively. In the same year, different lowercase letters within a column indicate significantly differences at P < 0.05 among the treatments. |
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