曾紫君, 曾钰, 闫磊, 程锦, 姜存仓

Effects of boron deficiency/toxicity on the growth and proline metabolism of cotton seedlings
ZENG Zi-Jun, ZENG Yu, YAN Lei, CHENG Jin, JIANG Cun-Cang
表3 不同硼浓度处理对棉花幼苗各部位硼含量及积累量的影响
Table 3 Effects of different boron treatments on boron content and accumulation in different parts of cotton seedlings
硼含量B content (mg kg-1) 硼积累量B accumulation (μg plant-1)
根Root 茎Stem 叶Leaf 根Root 茎Stem 叶Leaf
B0 109.09±10.40 b 8.81±5.00 b 26.62±7.83 c 4.56±3.11 b 0.87±0.46 b 6.60±1.71 b
B0.002 67.32±6.47 c 15.95±0.91 b 31.61±6.58 c 5.20±3.88 b 3.71±0.03 b 15.46±5.94 b
B0.2 75.28±7.91 c 23.62±1.68 b 98.78±20.87 b 10.68±2.74 ab 12.39±5.46 a 89.55±49.52 b
B50 172.89±2.01 a 72.46±16.12 a 723.10±25.79 a 12.08±2.87 a 16.82±1.05 a 399.82±111.84 a