赵文青, 徐文正, 杨锍琰, 刘玉, 周治国, 王友华

Different response of cotton leaves to heat stress is closely related to the night starch degradation
ZHAO Wen-Qing, XU Wen-Zheng, YANG Liu-Yan, LIU Yu, ZHOU Zhi-Guo, WANG You-Hua
图1 高温胁迫对棉花铃重及其比叶重的影响
在收获期调查了20个非取样棉花植物, 对标记部位棉铃铃重和对位叶叶片比叶重进行统计分析。图中大小写字母分别表示品种间达到极显著(P < 0.01)或显著( P < 0.05)差异。
Fig. 1 Effects of high temperature stress on specific leaf weight and boll weight with different heat tolerance in cotton
The boll weight and the specific leaf weight data are derived from the investigation of 20 non-sampling cotton plants at harvest stage. Different uppercase and lowercase letters indicate significant differences at P < 0.01 and P < 0.05 between cultivars according to the shortest significant ranges (SSR) test, respectively.