赵文青, 徐文正, 杨锍琰, 刘玉, 周治国, 王友华

Different response of cotton leaves to heat stress is closely related to the night starch degradation
ZHAO Wen-Qing, XU Wen-Zheng, YANG Liu-Yan, LIU Yu, ZHOU Zhi-Guo, WANG You-Hua
图4 高温胁迫对棉花叶片中淀粉、蔗糖含量日变化幅度的影响
CK: 常温对照, 平均日均温26℃; HT: 高温胁迫, 平均日均温34℃。
Fig. 4 Diurnal variation of sucrose content and starch content in cotton leaves
CK: normal temperature control and average temperature 26℃; HT: heat stress, and average temperature 34℃.