薛晓梦, 吴洁, 王欣, 白冬梅, 胡美玲, 晏立英, 陈玉宁, 康彦平, 王志慧, 淮东欣, 雷永, 廖伯寿

Effects of cold stress on germination in peanut cultivars with normal and high content of oleic acid
XUE Xiao-Meng, WU JIE, WANG Xin, BAI Dong-Mei, HU Mei-Ling, YAN Li-Ying, CHEN Yu-Ning, KANG Yan-Ping, WANG Zhi-Hui, HUAI Dong-Xin, LEI Yong, LIAO Bo-Shou
图5 低温胁迫下各AhFAD2基因在泉花551高油酸花生和普通油酸花生中的表达模式
a: 在不同温度处理条件下, AhFAD2-1A/B在Quanhua 551-NO中的表达模式; b: 在不同温度处理条件下, AhFAD2-3A/B在Quanhua 551-NO中的表达模式; c: 在不同温度处理条件下, AhFAD2-4A/B在Quanhua 551-NO中的表达模式; d: 在不同温度处理条件下, AhFAD2-1A/B在Quanhua 551-HO花生中的表达模式; e: 在不同温度处理条件下, AhFAD2-3A/B在Quanhua 551-HO中的表达模式; f: 在不同温度处理条件下, AhFAD2-4A/B在Quanhua 551-HO中的表达模式。CK: 种子在25℃条件下萌发6 d; T: 种子第1~3 天在15℃条件下萌发, 第4~6天在25℃条件下萌发; NO: 普通油酸花生; HO: 高油酸花生。*、**和***分别表示在0.05、0.01和0.001水平显著差异。
Fig. 5 Relative expression levels of AhFAD2 genes in high oleate and normal oleate of Quanhua 551 under cold stress
a: the expression pattern of AhFAD2-1A/B in Quanhua 551-NO at different temperatures; b: the expression pattern of AhFAD2-3A/B in Quanhua 551-NO at different temperatures; c: the expression pattern of AhFAD2-4A/B in Quanhua 551-NO at different temperatures; d: the expression pattern ofAhFAD2-1A/B in Quanhua 551-HO at different temperatures; e: the expression pattern ofAhFAD2-3A/B in Quanhua 551-HO at different temperatures; f: the expression pattern of AhFAD2-4A/B in Quanhua 551-HO at different temperatures. CK: control group, germination of seed at 25℃ for six days; T: treatment group, germination of seed at 15℃ from 1st to 3rd day, and then 25℃ from the 4th to 6th day; NO: normal oleate peanut; HO: high oleate peanut. *, **, and *** mean significant difference at the 0.05, 0.01, and 0.001 probability levels, respectively.