曹亮, 杜昕, 于高波, 金喜军, 张明聪, 任春元, 王孟雪, 张玉先

Regulation of carbon and nitrogen metabolism in leaf of soybean cultivar Suinong 26 at seed-filling stage under drought stress by exogenous melatonin
CAO Liang, DU Xin, YU Gao-Bo, JIN Xi-Jun, ZHANG Ming-Cong, REN Chun-Yuan, WANG Meng-Xue, ZHANG Yu-Xian
图1 WW/D和DM/D比较中差异表达基因图
灰点代表无明显差异的表达基因, 红色和蓝色点分别表示在WW/D和DM/D比较中显著上调和显著下调的基因。WW为正常供水处理, D为干旱处理, DM为干旱条件下喷施褪黑素处理。
Fig. 1 Comparisons of differentially expressed genes in WW/D and DM/D
Grey dots represent genes without significant differential expressions, red and blue dots denote significantly up-regulated and down-regulated genes in the WW/D and DM/D comparisons, respectively. WW is the normal water supply group, D is the drought stress group, and DM is the foliar application of melatonin under drought stress group.