无人机多角度成像方式的饲料油菜生物量估算研究 |
张建, 谢田晋, 尉晓楠, 王宗铠, 刘崇涛, 周广生, 汪波 |
Estimation of feed rapeseed biomass based on multi-angle oblique imaging technique of unmanned aerial vehicle |
ZHANG Jian, XIE Tian-Jin, WEI Xiao-Nan, WANG Zong-Kai, LIU Chong-Tao, ZHOU Guang-Sheng, WANG Bo |
图3 不同种植密度下生物量预测的结果比较 r: 相关系数; RMSE: 均方根误差; RE: 相对误差; D1: 3.00×105株 hm-2; D2: 5.25×105株 hm-2; D3: 7.50×105株 hm-2。 |
Fig. 3 Comparison of biomass prediction under different planting densities r: correlation coefficient; RMSE: root mean square error; RE: relative error; D1: 3.00×105 plant hm-2; D2: 5.25×105 plant hm-2; D3: 7.50×105 plant hm-2. |