赵海涵, 练旺民, 占小登, 徐海明, 张迎信, 程式华, 楼向阳, 曹立勇, 洪永波

Genetic dissection of the bacterial blight disease resistance in super hybrid rice RILs using genome-wide association study
ZHAO Hai-Han, LIAN Wang-Min, ZHAN Xiao-Deng, XU Hai-Ming, ZHANG Ying-Xin, CHENG Shi-Hua, LOU Xiang-Yang, CAO Li-Yong, HONG Yong-Bo
图1 协B/中恢9308接种4个生理菌株的白叶枯表型和病斑长度
A~D为双亲协青早B (左)和中恢9308 (右)分别接种4种生理菌株(PXO96CR4PXO61PXO99), 15 d和21 d后调查病斑长度, 标尺为10 cm。图E~H为双亲接种不同生理菌株的平均病斑长度(cm)。**表示P ≤ 0.01 (Student’s t-test)。
Fig. 1 Phenotype and lesion length of XB/R9308 after inoculating of four Xoo strains
A-D indicate the phenotype of XB and R9308 after inoculating of four Xoo strains (PXO96, CR4, PXO61, and PXO99) and measure the lesion length after 15 dpi (days post inoculation) and 21 dpi. Bar: 10 cm. E-H indicate the average lesion length after inoculating four Xoo strains of parents, respectively. Data presents are the mean ± SD from the independent experiments. **: P ≤ 0.01 (Student’s t-test).