赵海涵, 练旺民, 占小登, 徐海明, 张迎信, 程式华, 楼向阳, 曹立勇, 洪永波

Genetic dissection of the bacterial blight disease resistance in super hybrid rice RILs using genome-wide association study
ZHAO Hai-Han, LIAN Wang-Min, ZHAN Xiao-Deng, XU Hai-Ming, ZHANG Ying-Xin, CHENG Shi-Hua, LOU Xiang-Yang, CAO Li-Yong, HONG Yong-Bo
图2 139个重组自交系及双亲接种4个生理菌株的病斑长度的频率分布图
A~D分别来自于4种生理菌株: A: PXO96; B: CR4; C: PXO61; D: PXO99。图中横坐标表示平均病斑长度(cm), 纵坐标表示分布频数。黑色和红色箭头分别表示中恢93008和协青早B病斑长度对应横坐标的位置, 线条表示为数据的正态分布曲线。
Fig. 2 Histogram of phenotypic frequency distribution for four Xoo strains in 139 RILs and two parents
A-D come from four Xoo strains of PXO96, CR4, PXO61, and PXO99, respectively. The X-axis represents a mean lesion length, and the Y-axis represents the corresponding frequency. Black and red arrows mean the lesion length of R9308 and XB, respectively. Light grey line indicates the normal distribution curve.