赵海涵, 练旺民, 占小登, 徐海明, 张迎信, 程式华, 楼向阳, 曹立勇, 洪永波

Genetic dissection of the bacterial blight disease resistance in super hybrid rice RILs using genome-wide association study
ZHAO Hai-Han, LIAN Wang-Min, ZHAN Xiao-Deng, XU Hai-Ming, ZHANG Ying-Xin, CHENG Shi-Hua, LOU Xiang-Yang, CAO Li-Yong, HONG Yong-Bo
图3 139个重组自交系及双亲接种4个生理菌株的白叶枯抗性等级分布图
利用139 RIL和双亲在4种Xoo生理菌株中抗性等级数据进行分组: 根据每个水稻编号的平均病斑长度(LL)划分等级: 其中LL = 0 cm, 0 cm ≤ LL < 3 cm, LL/总叶片长度< 25%, LL/总叶片长度< 50%, LL/总叶片长度< 75%和整叶发病分别代表抗病(0级)、高抗(1级)、中抗(2级)、中感(3级)、高感(4级)和易感(5级); NA代表缺失值。
Fig. 3 Bar chart of bacterial blight resistance levels for four Xoo strains in 139 RILs and two parents
Number of accessions in the following reactions to four Xoo races: LL = 0 cm, 0 cm ≤ LL < 3 cm, LL/Total Leaf Length < 25%, LL/Total Leaf Length < 50%, LL/Total Leaf Length < 75%, and LL/Total leaf lesion represented resistant (level 0), highly resistant (level 1), moderately resistant (level 2), moderately susceptible (level 3), highly susceptible (level 4), and susceptible (level 5), respectively. LL indicates mean lesion length of each accession.