赵海涵, 练旺民, 占小登, 徐海明, 张迎信, 程式华, 楼向阳, 曹立勇, 洪永波

Genetic dissection of the bacterial blight disease resistance in super hybrid rice RILs using genome-wide association study
ZHAO Hai-Han, LIAN Wang-Min, ZHAN Xiao-Deng, XU Hai-Ming, ZHANG Ying-Xin, CHENG Shi-Hua, LOU Xiang-Yang, CAO Li-Yong, HONG Yong-Bo
图5 139个重组自交系及双亲接种4个生理菌株的GWAS分析
A~D分别来自于4种生理菌株: A: PXO96; B: CR4; C: PXO61; D: PXO99。横坐标对应水稻全基因组, 纵坐标表示-log10 (P值), 蓝色线条表示Bonferroni矫正的P值, 橙色线条表示-log10 (P值)大于4.0的位点, 可判断与抗性关联。E~H分别绘制了对应的Q-Q图: E: PXO96; F: CR4; G: PXO61; H: PXO99。横坐标表示为期望的-log10 (P值), 纵坐标表示为观测的-log10 (P值)。红线作为参考线。
Fig. 5 Genome-wide association study of lesion length after inoculating four Xoo strains in 139 RILs and two parents
Manhattan plot (A-D) are plotted with the leaf lesion length after inoculating four Xoo strains of PXO96, CR4, PXO61, and PXO99, respectively. The X-axis represents the whole rice genome and the y-axis represents the -log10 (P-value). The blue line represents a Bonferroni corrected P-value. The orange line representing a stringent criterion of -log10 (P-value) > 4.0 under four environments was used for determining the association significance of four Xoo strains. Q-Q plot (E-H): E: PXO96; F: CR4; G: PXO61; H: PXO99. The horizontal axis of Q-Q plot (E-H) represents the expected -log10 (P-value) while the vertical axis is the observed -log10 (P-value). Red line is the cutoff line.