赵海涵, 练旺民, 占小登, 徐海明, 张迎信, 程式华, 楼向阳, 曹立勇, 洪永波

Genetic dissection of the bacterial blight disease resistance in super hybrid rice RILs using genome-wide association study
ZHAO Hai-Han, LIAN Wang-Min, ZHAN Xiao-Deng, XU Hai-Ming, ZHANG Ying-Xin, CHENG Shi-Hua, LOU Xiang-Yang, CAO Li-Yong, HONG Yong-Bo
图6 候选白叶枯抗性基因的相对表达量分析
A~D分别包括关联位点SNP_11_26220673_C_T (P = 5.00378× 10-5)、SNP_11_27792921_A_G (P = 2.70257×10-5)和SNP_6_ 25611297_T_C (P = 8.66×10-7)和Xa21基因的qRT-PCR分析。横坐标表示经过接菌时间: “0”表示未接生理菌株; “1”表示接种生理菌株当天; “4”表示接种生理菌株后4 d, 在相同的时间点对同一批次水稻植株的叶片进行取样。纵坐标表示以actin作为内参基因计算相对表达水平(folds)。E表示3个候选基因(LOC_Os11g43420、LOC_Os11g45930和LOC_Os06g42590) SNP突变分别在编码区和启动子区域。*表示P ≤ 0.05和**表示P ≤ 0.01 (Student’s t-test)。
Fig. 6 Relative expression profile of candidate genes
A-D indicate the qRT-PCR results of four genes including SNP_11_ 26220673_C_T (P=5.00378×10-5), SNP_11_27792921_A_G (P=2.70257×10-5), SNP_ 6_25611297_T_C (P=8.66×10-7), and Xa21 respectively. The horizontal axis of each bar chart is the days post inoculation of Xoo strains “0” means the samples have not been inoculated; “1” means the samples have been inoculated for one day; “4” means the samples have been inoculated for four days. The inoculated leaves were collected from the same group at three different days with at least three biological repeats. The vertical axis is the relative expression level (folds) with actin as the internal reference gene. E indicates SNP polymorphism of three candidate genes (LOC_Os11g43420, LOC_Os11g45930, and LOC_Os06g42590) in coding sequence or promoter region. *: P ≤ 0.05 **: P ≤ 0.01 (Student’s t-test).