付正豪, 马中涛, 魏海燕, 邢志鹏, 刘国栋, 胡群, 张洪程

Effects of controlled release fertilizer ratio on yield formation and nitrogen absorption and utilization of late-maturing medium japonica rice under different mechanized cultivation methods
FU Zheng-Hao, MA Zhong-Tao, WEI Hai-Yan, XING Zhi-Peng, LIU Guo-Dong, HU Qun, ZHANG Hong-Cheng
表8 栽培方式和控释肥配比对迟熟中粳稻水稻各阶段干物质积累的影响
Table 8 Effects of cultivation method and controlled-release fertilizer ratio on dry matter accumulation of late-maturing medium japonica rice at different stages
播种至拔节SS-JS 拔节至抽穗JS-HS 抽穗至成熟HS-MS
(t hm-2)
ratio (%)
(t hm-2)
ratio (%)
(t hm-2)
ratio (%)
钵苗机插 MT 40+80 4.93 ab 25.95 b 6.95 bc 36.63 c 7.10 c 37.42 f
40+100 4.59 cd 23.82 d 7.23 a 37.50 a 7.45 b 38.68 d
40+120 4.39 d 23.27 e 6.66 de 35.29 f 7.83 a 41.44 a
CK 4.01 e 22.68 f 6.41 fg 36.31 d 7.24 bc 41.01 b
毯苗机插 MC 40+80 5.01 a 26.55 a 6.79 cd 36.00 e 7.06 c 37.45 f
40+100 4.73 bc 24.69 c 7.06 ab 36.87 b 7.36 b 38.44 e
40+120 4.48 d 23.92 d 6.53 ef 34.88 g 7.71 a 41.20 b
CK 4.09 e 23.38 e 6.27 g 35.86 e 7.13 c 40.76 c
钵苗机插 MT 40+80 5.05 c 25.34 ab 6.79 b 34.08 ab 8.09 f 40.58 d
40+100 4.83 d 23.23 bc 7.19 a 34.61 a 8.76 b 42.16 bc
40+120 4.73 e 22.98 bc 6.75 b 32.81 bc 9.10 a 44.21 a
CK 4.38 f 22.21 bc 6.71 b 34.03 ab 8.63 c 43.76 a
毯苗机插 MC 40+80 5.40 a 27.66 a 6.24 c 31.94 cd 7.89 g 40.40 d
40+100 5.14 b 25.23 ab 6.74 b 33.09 bc 8.49 d 41.68 cd
40+120 5.06 c 24.62 ab 6.37 c 31.00 d 9.12 a 44.38 a
CK 4.71 e 24.37 ab 6.21 c 32.13 cd 8.41 e 43.50 b
年份Y ** ns ** ** ** **
栽培方式CM ** * ** ** * **
控释肥配比CRFR ** ** ** ** ** **
栽培方式×控释肥CM×CRFR ns ns ns * ns ns