张倩, 韩本高, 张博, 盛开, 李岚涛, 王宜伦
Reduced application and different combined applications of loss-control urea on summer maize yield and fertilizer efficiency improvement
ZHANG Qian, HAN Ben-Gao, ZHANG Bo, SHENG Kai, LI Lan-Tao, WANG Yi-Lun
图2 不同产量水平下施肥处理对夏玉米干物重的影响 处理同表2。不同小写字母表示处理(CK、CF、CL、CL10、CL20)间差异显著(P < 0.05); 不同大写字母表示处理(CF、CL、CL7:3、CL5:5、CL3:7)间差异显著(P < 0.05)。籽粒、秸秆干物重方差分析分别在不同颜色的柱中标注, 总干物重方差分析标注在柱上方。
Fig. 2 Effects of different fertilizer treatments on summer maize dry weight under different yield levels Treatments are the same as those given in Table 2. Different lowercase letters indicate significant differences at P < 0.05 among CK, CF, CL, CL10, and CL20 treatments. Different uppercase letters indicate significant differences at P < 0.05 among CF, CL, CL7:3, CL5:5, and CL3:7 treatments. Analysis of variances of the dry weight of grain and straw are marked with different colors in columns and those of the total dry weight are marked above the column.