阮俊梅, 张俊, 刘猷红, 董文军, 孟英, 邓艾兴, 杨万深, 宋振伟, 张卫建

Effects of free air temperature increase on nitrogen utilization of rice in northeastern China
RUAN Jun-Mei, ZHANG Jun, LIU You-Hong, DONG Wen-Jun, MENG Ying, DENG Ai-Xing, YANG Wan-Shen, SONG Zhen-Wei, ZHANG Wei-Jian
图1 2019年和2020年水稻生育期月平均气温(A)和降水量(B)
Fig. 1 Monthly mean temperature (A) and precipitation (B) during rice growth season in 2019 and 2020