小麦Ta4CL1基因的克隆及其在促进转基因拟南芥生长和木质素沉积中的功能 |
孟颖, 邢蕾蕾, 曹晓红, 郭光艳, 柴建芳, 秘彩莉 |
Cloning of Ta4CL1 and its function in promoting plant growth and lignin deposition in transgenic Arabidopsis plants |
MENG Ying, XING Lei-Lei, CAO Xiao-Hong, GUO Guang-Yan, CHAI Jian-Fang, BEI Cai-Li |
图3 利用Ta4CL1pro:Gus转基因拟南芥研究Ta4CL1的组织表达特性 A: 3周大的Ta4CL1pro:Gus转基因拟南芥幼苗的叶; B: A图中方框内叶片的放大图; C: 2周大的Ta4CL1pro:Gus转基因拟南芥幼苗的根; D: Ta4CL1pro:Gus转基因拟南芥主茎(6周)的横切面。A~C图中的标尺表示1 mm; D图中的标尺为0.18 mm。 |
Fig. 3 Tissue-specific expression of Ta4CL1 in Arabidopsis seedlings carrying Ta4CL1pro:Gus A: the leaves of 3-week-old Arabidopsis seedlings harbouring Ta4CL1pro:Gus; B: enlarged picture of the leave with box in figure A; C: the roots of 2-week-old Arabidopsis seedlings harbouring Ta4CL1pro:Gus; D: the cross section of inflorescence stem of 6-week-old Arabidopsis seedlings harbouring Ta4CL1pro:Gus. Bar: 1 mm (A-C) and 0.18 mm (D). |
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