孟颖, 邢蕾蕾, 曹晓红, 郭光艳, 柴建芳, 秘彩莉

Cloning of Ta4CL1 and its function in promoting plant growth and lignin deposition in transgenic Arabidopsis plants
MENG Ying, XING Lei-Lei, CAO Xiao-Hong, GUO Guang-Yan, CHAI Jian-Fang, BEI Cai-Li
图9 异源表达Ta4CL1拟南芥株系中4CL酶活性测定
正常生长4周的拟南芥株系莲座叶(A)和茎(B)中4CL酶活性的测定(P < 0.05)。
Fig. 9 Activity of 4CL enzyme in the Arabidopsis lines ectopic expressing Ta4CL1
Measurement of 4CL enzyme activity in rosette leaves (A) and inflorescent stems (B) of 4-week-old Arabidopsis lines ectopic expressing Ta4CL1 (P < 0.05).