杨谨, 白爱宁, 白雪, 陈娟, 郭林, 刘春明

Phenotypic and genetic analyses of a rice mutant eed1 with defected embryo and endosperm development
YANG Jin, BAI Ai-Ning, BAI Xue, CHEN Juan, GUO Lin, LIU Chun-Ming
Fig. 2 Germination rate and cell viability of eed1
A: phenotypes of WT and eed1 mature caryopses at 7 days after imbibition, bar: 3 cm; B: germination rate of WT and eed1 mature caryopses at 7 days after imbibition; C-E: TTC staining in longitudinally sectioned mature caryopses of WT (C) and eed1 (D, E), bar: 1 mm; values are means ± SDs by Student’s t-test. **: P < 0.01.