杨谨, 白爱宁, 白雪, 陈娟, 郭林, 刘春明

Phenotypic and genetic analyses of a rice mutant eed1 with defected embryo and endosperm development
YANG Jin, BAI Ai-Ning, BAI Xue, CHEN Juan, GUO Lin, LIU Chun-Ming
图3 ZH11与eed1再生植株颖果表型分析
A~B: eed1愈伤组织在RE2培养基上分化产生不定芽和不定根(A), 最终长成小苗(B), 标尺为2 cm; C~D: ZH11与eed1不同发育时期颖果的鲜重(C)和干重(D)变化; E: ZH11与eed1受粉后0~30 d新鲜颖果的表型, 标尺为1 mm; F: ZH11与eed1受粉后24、27、30 d颖果烘干之后的表型, 标尺为1 mm; DAP为受粉后天数; 数值为平均值±标准差; 采用Student’s t测验, *表示P < 0.05, **表示P < 0.01。
Fig. 3 Caryopses phenotype analyses from regenerated plantlets of ZH11 and eed1
A-B: the eed1 callus can differentiate into adventitious buds and roots on RE2 medium (A), and eventually grow into plantlets (B), bar: 2 cm; C-D: changes in the fresh (C) and dry (D) weight of ZH11 and eed1 caryopses of different stages; E: phenotypes of fresh caryopses of ZH11 and eed1 at 0-30 days after pollination, bar: 1 mm; F: phenotypes of dry caryopses of ZH11 and eed1 at 24, 27, and 30 DAP (days after pollination), bar: 1 mm; values are means ± SDs by Student’s t-test. *: P < 0.05; **: P < 0.01.