杨谨, 白爱宁, 白雪, 陈娟, 郭林, 刘春明

Phenotypic and genetic analyses of a rice mutant eed1 with defected embryo and endosperm development
YANG Jin, BAI Ai-Ning, BAI Xue, CHEN Juan, GUO Lin, LIU Chun-Ming
图4 eedl颖果中淀粉含量和贮藏蛋白累积分析
A~B: ZH11、WT和eed1成熟颖果的总淀粉(A)和直链淀粉(B)含量的测定, n = 3。数值为平均值±标准差; 采用Student’s t测验, **表示P < 0.01; C: ZH11、WT和eed1成熟颖果总蛋白SDS-PAGE电泳图谱; αGT: 谷蛋白酸性亚基, αGlb: 球蛋白; βGT: 谷蛋白碱性亚基; Pro or Alb: 醇溶蛋白或清蛋白。
Fig. 4 Starch contents and storage protein accumulations in eedl caryopses
A-B: the determination of the contents of total starch (A), amylose (B) in ZH11, WT, and eed1 mature caryopses, n = 3. Values are means ± SDs by Student’s t-test; **: P < 0.01; C: SDS-PAGE profiles of total protein in ZH11, WT, and eed1 mature caryopses; αGT: glutelin acidic subunits; αGlb: α-globulin; βGT: glutelin basic subunits; Pro or Alb: prolamins or albumins.